Learn American Sign Language (ASL) with Julie, a fluent Deaf native signer of ASL.

Serving Colorado and nationwide

ASL Classes – June 1

by | May 1, 2024

I’m at it again! Starting June 1, I’m offering classes at the Cheyenne Mountain Library on 1785 S. 8th Street, Unit 100 in Colorado Springs!

Classes start at 5:45pm sharp, and ends at 6:45pm. The library itself closes at 7:00pm. It’d be great if you could get there early, like 5:15pm to 5:30pm.

Beginner ASL students are welcome!

$75 for six weeks of 1-hour classes per person.

Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity! It’s affordable and fun.

Interested? Questions? Feel free to contact me at ASLWithJulie@gmail.com.